Elder Dawson

Elder Dawson

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Week 47-August 14, 2016-A Public Holiday (Step Up Your Game "Murica)


Ni sa yadra vinaka kemuni kece!  Isa, this has been a pretty awesome week! So yeah, Fiji being the great country that it is DESTROYED the Olympics 7's tournament. Things here were way funny. Elda Mclean and I were in town waiting for the Zone Leaders and we saw (and heard) this crazy car, just tooting it's horn and waving the Fiji flag. We didn't think to much of it, but then a ton of cars just started doing the same thing and a bunch of people (adults and kids) were in the streets dancing and singing Fiji's Olympic Anthem "Go Fiji Go". Elda Mclean asked an old man what was going on and he told us that Fiji just beat England in the finals. It was such a sight. We heard Suva was even crazier. Such a cool people. Oh so yeah, Fiji gets a public holiday for the 7's team winning. Next Monday they get the day off because they won Gold. Best government ever! 

So this past Monday was a lot of fun. This whole week has been crazy rainy and Monday was no different. We had a way fun qito in the rain.Tons of slipping and sliding. It was a good time.
 Us hiking a mountain in our area. It was supposed to be a shortcut, but we got lost...

Tuesday we had a really nice District Meeting. Nothing to crazy. We met with one of our investigators Maria, and because Mclean loves me so much, he let me teach this 17 year old girl about Na lawa ni Tiko Savasava. She understood it though enough though. She just kept giggling at all my mistakes or my pauses and stuff. She's great though. 

Wednesday was a slow day but we ended the day at our Branch President's home for dinner. So this home is at the top of a very muddy hill, and when it rains it's crazy slippery. Getting up wasn't too hard, but we knew getting down was going to be rough. We had a good dinner and a good talk with the President's wife, Sister Tagicakobau. She's probably one of my favorite members here. She is like a sassy older sister. She's awesome. We hung with her and her 7 children who are all under the age of 12.  (They are the kids that were playing with my new camera and dropped it off the porch.  It didn't survive.  Blame the Fijians!) We just talked and ate. Afterwards there little daughter led us to our next appointment so we wouldn't slip and die. We had a quick last lesson with Filo. Oh she's great. 

SO Thursday we had exchanges with the Zone Leaders because Mclean had to do some Baptismal Interviews in Nausori and Lautogia had to do some interviews in Bau. So on Thursday we saw Maria and Filo again. Both were pretty weirded out by Lautogia and Filo asked if I could be with her alone instead of Lautogia, but that's tabu so she just agreed.
All of our dogs. We named them all too. TJ, Festa, Spear, Cujo, Fudge, Linda, and Sweetpea

Fast Forward to Saturday, we had a double baptism. Maria And Filo!! Well we also had our Branch Mission Leaders daughter who got baptized, so a triple baptism. It was great. There were some hiccups to start but everything ended up just fine. It was such a special day! One to remember for sure. 
Our Baptism. Venina is the little one. Filo is in the middle and Maria is on the right. 

Us with our girl Dimiri. She really likes me. 

Dimiri and Da Bois!

Yeah Dimiri really likes me. She thinks I'm from Los Angeles...maybe because I might have told her I'm from Los Angeles. 

Us and Filo
I've been thinking a lot and I'm way afraid of getting transferred. I love Bau and I love so many people here. It's going to stink. Transfer calls are next Tuesday, so we'll just wait and see. 

So Mom asked to describe some stuff. 

A Home: Mostly mad of tin where I am right now. We almost always sit on the ground which is just wood covered by an ibe. It almost always smells like smoke inside. Something is usually cooking. Lots of stuff on the walls, Fijians love sentimental things.  

A smell: The smell of Bau, is usually just smoke and that weird poopy mud smell. Not a great mix, but it's our smell.  

I thik it is indeed winter here. Lots of rain and lots of flooding. I recently bought a blanket though and that has made things unbelievably better. 

Sometimes I'm cold....but I have a blanket now. 

I have no rash anymore, I'M HEALED!! 

Anyways, I love you guys so much. Don't worry about me, I'm having a great time. #CAMERAFORDAWSON2016

Elda Tosani (Dawson)

PS Pray for Elda Ogden and his family.  
Peace Be Still
Keep it Real


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